JUST PUBLISHED Jan Moje CAA loose leaf cataloge, 284 pages, most images in colour January 2025 £120 ISBN 9781906137854 This volume of the CAA Berlin series contains the second part of the shabti collections from Berlin, those of the Third Intermediate Period . (German text) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marisol Solchaga The Earthly Realm: (2024) This volume examines the traces of ritual acts performed during less affluent burials, focusing on the use of 'offering-trays' as a case study. These pottery artefacts are dated to the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom and typically feature pottery models on their surface. Those with attached architectural elements have traditionally been classified as 'soul-houses'. This research aims to explore the function of these artefacts through the analysis of their physical features,
£100 ISBN 9781906137892 GHP Egytology 38 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jan Moje Schabtis und verwandte Figurinen Mit den Beständen der Berliner Antikensammlung, des Museums für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und des Vorderasiatischen Museums Band 2 This third CAA series volume for the Ägyptisches Museum Berlin consists of the second and final part of the New Kingdom funerary statuettes £120 215 Pages, loose leaf catalogue, mainly colour images ISBN 9781906137847 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Clay Figurines in Context: Crucibles of Egyptian, Nubian, and Levantine Societies edited by MKS 17
ISBN 978-1-906137-86-1 paperback, A4, 490 pages £85 Since prehistory, ancient Egyptians crafted figurines depicting humans, animals, and other subjects. However, scholars have largely overlooked the category of clay figurines, both fired and unfired, due to the perceived lack of value of the material and variable preservation of their organic material composition. Despite this, clay figurines offer a unique glimpse into ancient peoples' ideas, gestures, and attitudes, particularly when shaped by hand. Their prevalence, malleability, and portability make them accessible to people of all economic and social backgrounds. This volume focuses on Egyptian clay figurines from the Bronze Age, ranging from approximately 2100 to 1550 BC, and also includes examples from the neighboring countries of Nubia and the Levant, as they are the most immediate corresponding partners in terms of diffusion and entanglement of material culture. The papers in this volume aim to examine previously under- or unexplored topics relating to clay figurines, such as their archaeological context, manufacturing techniques, technological processes, classification, agency, and social significance. Additionally, two sections of the volume will be dedicated to comparative material from the 4th and 3rd millennium BC and the Late Bronze Age.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e-book, free to download Claudia Näser Der Alltag des Todes Funeräre Praktiken in Deir el-Medine im Neuen Reich GHP Egyptology 35 708 pages, A4, PRINT version - hard cover - £100 ISBN 978-1-906137809
(the PDF is searchable, for the transliteration please follow the 'keys' of Trlit_CG Times >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eva Lange-Athinodorou Bubastis: city of the feline goddess Archaeological discoveries in a metropolis of the Egyptian Nile Delta 182 pages, around 50 colour images £45 ISBN 9781906137878 For more than three millennia, the city of Bubastis was one of the most important cities of the Nile Delta and all of Egypt.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jan Moje Schabtis und verwandte Figurinen Mit den Beständen der Berliner Antikensammlung, des Museums für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und des Vorderasiatischen Museums Band 1: Mittleres Reich und Neues Reich (Stein, Ton, Fayence) CORPUS ANTIQUITATUM AEGYPTIACARUM 318 pages, loose leaf catalogue , ISBN 978-1-906137-82-3 (London 2023)
This volume of the CAA Berlin series contains the first part of the shabti collections from Berlin, those of the Middle Kingdom £100 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kelly-Anne Diamond A Study of the Sacred District Scene in Private Tomb Decoration GHP Egyptology 37 ISBN 978-1-906137-83-0, 167 plus vi pages, A4, paperback, many colour photos London 2023 £60 A Study of the Sacred District Scene in Private Tomb Decoration compiles images from almost forty tombs, dating to the New Kingdom or later, and breaks down the different micro-scenes that can make up a Sacred District scene. These scenes are comprised of combinations of the seventeen different episodes, or micro-scenes, and are generally embedded within the funerary scenes in any given tomb. They typically appear in the passage of a T-shaped tomb and are the last scene before the deceased has reached the hereafter, thus suggesting that the Sacred District represents a liminal area the dead must traverse before the afterlife. The Sacred District reaches its peak in popularity during the reigns of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III of the eighteenth dynasty but can still be found in some late period tombs that exhibit archaizing trends. Examples are found on the west bank of Thebes and at Elkab and Hierakonpolis. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melanie Pitkin Egypt in the First Intermediate Period: The History and Chronology of its False Doors and Stelae Middle Kingdom Studies 13 ISBN: 9781906137816, A4, paperback, 369 pages and 13 colour plates London 2023 £85 This volume provides a detailed study of false doors and funerary stelae from the First Intermediate Period, providing new historical and chronological insights. Five dating criteria are applied to 677 false doors and stelae. The criteria include: (1) the hybrid false door stela; (2) the representation of the wedjat eyes; (3) mutilated and suppressed hieroglyphs; (4) the representation of the owner holding a bow and arrows and, (5) the writing of the ‘revered one' ( jmAxw and its variants). The study looks at Egypt during the First Intermediate Period on a national level, rather than as a limited group of nomes, showing how particular styles, iconographic peculiarities and political and religious ideologies ‘travelled' between nomes or, perhaps, remained entirely local. The study also establishes a relative dating typology for particular groupings of false doors and stelae, providing a new chronological benchmark for dating other objects and events of the time. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Markus Wallas Menschenköpfige Herzskarabäen im Kontext. Archäologie, Philologie und Kulturgeschichte (Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie 25) 214 pages, A4, paperback ISBN 978-1906137779 UK price:£60 London 2023 Heart scarabs are inscribed with spell 30B from the Book of the Dead and are usually depicted with a beetle head, but a very small number of such amulets show the scarab with a human face or head. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ripple in still water when there is no pebble tossed 308 pages, A4, paperback UK £85 ISBN 978-1-906137-76-2 London 2022 This Festschrift in honour of Cary J. Martin presents twenty contributions of his friends and colleagues, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunnar Sperveslage (ed.), Early Egyptian MiscellaniesDiscussions and Essays on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt (Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie 26) London 2022 This book collects papers from various authors on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, covering archaeology, iconography, philology, lexicography, history, and history of research. The contributions provide insight into current research and offer new theories and observations on specific objects and aspects. This includes for instance neglected details of well-known objects, detailed discussion of forgotten objects, new interpretations of inscriptions, and analysis of hieroglyphic signs and their functions. (Contributions in English and German) ISBN 978-1-906137-78-6 price £45 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gianluca Miniaci, Wolfram Grajetzki (eds) The World of the Middle Kingdom III Middle Kingdom Studies 12 2022 359 pages, 16 colour plates ISBN 978-1-906137-74-8; £80 22 Essays on Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period Egypt. The articles include a high number of first time published objects. price £80 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Mohamed Osman Abdollah Trade centers and Trade routes in Upper Egypt, 290 pages, richly illustrated, A4, paperback GHP Egyptology 36 2022 ISBN 9781906137793 price £80 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Gianluca Miniaci, Peter Lacovara (eds) The Treasure of the Egyptian Queen Ahhotep and International Relations at the Turn of the Middle Bronze Age (1550 BCE) (Middle Kingdom Studies 11) 312 page, plus 16 colour plates; paperback A4 ISBN 9781906137724 The personal adornments and objects from the burial of Queen Ahhotep belong to one of the most spectacular finds from Ancient Egypt. The history of their discovery is still a mystery. Even the identity of the queen is not fully solved. The twelve essays in this volume tackle different problems around the objects from the tomb of the queen. March 2022 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Gunnar Sperveslage Die frühen Inschriften Ägyptens. Eine Konkordanz der Nummerierungssysteme (Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie 24) 224 pages, A4, paperback ISBN 978-1- 906137-75-5 £ 45 (UK)
This publication provides a concordance of numbering systems addressing the Early Egyptian inscriptions (Dyn. 0–3). The numbering system, which was originally introduced by J. Kahl (1994) and which was expanded by I. Regulski in her “Database of Early Dynastic inscriptions”, is mapped on the numbering system defined by J. Kahl, N. Kloth and U. Zimmermann (1995) for the 3 rd Dynasty inscription and on the numbering of P. Kaplony (IÄF, IÄFS, KBIÄF). An overview of the different systems and some background information are given in the introduction. Furthermore, as a final goal of this publication, the numbering system has been expended to provide a unique identifier for each inscription that can be used as a reference in databases and printed publications. (German introduction). (November 2021) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jana Helmbold-Doyé Pharos (Alexandria) (Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie 23) 502 pages, A4, paperback This book provides a first-time overview of all archaeological remains from the necropolises Anfuschi and Ras el-Tin in Alexandria, which can be located on the ancient island of Pharos. The individual chapters contain detailed information on the architecture, wall paintings of tombs and cultic installations. In addition, the previously unpublished finds are finally documented through numerous drawings and photos with detailed descriptions. In particular, the movable goods of Pharos reflect the burial customs of Alexandria from the late Ptolemaic era to the early Roman Empire. Furthermore, this volume includes old archival material, such as photographs and drawings, and thus provides a comprehensive overview of the complex hypogea (tombs). Together with new interpretations, this publication conveys a complete picture of a small island at the gates of Alexandria (German text).
price: £100 (UK) - 140 $ (US) September 2021 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Akhet Neheh -Studies in Honour of Willem Hovestreydt on Occasion of His 75th Birthday edited by Anke Weber, Martina Grünhagen, Lea Rees, Jan Moje GHP Egyptology 33 168 pages, including 8 colour plates November 2020, paper back ISBN 978-1-906137-70-0 £60 - $120 This Festschrift contains current research about the symbolism of hieroglyphs, religious texts, depictions and graffiti Preface. John Baines - Willem Hovestreydt and the Annual/Online Egyptological Bibliography: an Appreciation René van Walsem - Reinterpreting Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar, Sign-List N5: :“ra”, ‘sun’ Louis Zonhoven - Does the Fox Hide Cunningly Even from Egyptian Dictionaries? Nigel Strudwick - The Payment List for the Lector Priest on the Relief of Merymery in Leiden Judith Bunbury and Karin Schinken - Preliminary Report on the Geology, Stonemasonry and Plaster Remains in the Tomb of Ramesses III (KV 11) Lea Rees and Helen Strudwick - The Sarcophagus Ensemble of Ramesses III from KV 11: New Insights from Old Documents and Recent Finds Gareth Rees - Reuniting and Recontexualising the Sarcophagus of Ramesses III Using Photogrammetric Modeling Rob Demarée - Ancient Visitor’s Graffiti in the Tomb of Ramesses III (KV 11) Anke Weber - Die Farbe Gelb als „roter Faden“ in KV 11. Zur Bedeutung und bewussten Verwendung der Farbe Gelb im Grab Ramses’ III. im Tal der Könige Dora Petrova - From Invisible Traces to Invincible Ritual. Reconstructing the Opening of the Mouth Ritual in the Tomb of Ramesses III Jan Moje - Bemerkungen zur Kanope Ramses’ IV. im Ägyptischen Museum Berlin (ÄM 8424) Rob Demarée und Lara Weiss - Ein fast vergessener Brief vereinigt Ramses VI. aus Leiden und Chicago Jan Koek - The Role of Taweret in Gebel el-Silsila
Alice Stevenson and Joris van Wetering (editors) The Many Histories of Naqada This edited volume presents a series of reviews, overviews and unpublished archives from several historic expeditions in the Naqada region of Upper Egypt. This includes nineteenth-century fieldwork led by Gaston Maspero, Jacques de Morgan and Flinders Petrie through to surveys conducted in the twentieth century and new initiatives in the region in the 2010s. It encompasses not just the better-known Predynastic finds, but also later Pharaonic era material as well as Coptic heritage. Together the volume argues that the Naqada region in worthy of renewed critical attention and is a more dynamic and complex landscape than has generally been acknowledged. 190 pages, paperback, A4 June 2020, paper back ISBN 9781906137694 £60 - $120
Preface: Dedication Geoffrey J. Tassie, ‘Tass’, 1959–2019. - Jo Rowland and Joris van Wetering Introduction - Alice Stevenson and Joris van Wetering Chapter 1: An Archaeological History of Naqada Sites- Geoffrey J. Tassie and Joris van Wetering Chapter 2: The Archival Record of W.M.F. Petrie’s 1894–5 Excavations in the Predynastic Cemeteries of - Alice Stevenson Chapter 3: Naqada Seen Through the Archives of the IUO Italian Archaeological Mission (1977–1986) - Grazia A. Di Pietro Chapter 4: Nubt During the Fourth Millennium BC - Joris van Wetering and Geoffrey J. Tassie Chapter 5: The Cemeteries of Nubt: An Intricate Funerary Landscape of the Fourth Millennium BC - Joris van Wetering Chapter 6: Reconsidering Cemetery N T (north) at Nubt - Joris van Wetering Chapter 8: Christian Heritage in the Naqada Region. - Renate Dekker Chapter 9: The Past, Present and Future of the Naqada Region. - Geoffrey J. Tassie, with addendum by Joanne M. Rowland and Joris van Wetering
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Simon Connor Être et paraître, Statues royales et privées de la fin du Moyen Empire text in French, English and Arabic summaries ISBN: 9781906137663, 638 pages, hardcover, about 600 bw photos April 2020 £75 - $150
This volume presents an evaluation of late Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period (c. 1850 to 1550 BC) sculpture.
Helmut Satzinger ‘Is there not one among you who understands Egyptian?’ GHP Egyptology 31 paperback, 170 pages, £35 ISBN 9781906137670 £35 - $70
Late Egyptian — the vernacular idiom of the time of the Ramesside pharaohs (14th through 12th century BCE) — is a February 2020 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Aaron M. de Souza
280 pages, including 8 colour plates. ISBN 9781906137656 This volume serves as a catalogue and handbook for the description for Pan-Grave ceramics, and that considers the Pan-Grave tradition and its ceramic production within the broader socio-cultural framework of Ancient Egypt and Nubia during the mid-Second Millennium BC. £60 - $120 August 2019
Danijela Stefanović, Helmut Satzinger Stelae of the Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period (Corpus Antiquitatum Aegypticarum) 153 pages (loose leaf), plus booklet ISBN 978-1-906137-63-2 £75 -$150 A catalogue of almost all Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period stelae in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin. Many of them were lost in WWII. The publication uses often old archive photographs. Includes full translations. August 2019
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rolf Krauss Sigmund Freud und sein Buch Eine kritische Würdigung IBAES 22 140 pages, A5 ISBN 978-1-906137-64-9 Freud's study about Moses and monotheistic religion combined Egyptology and anthropology in a critical analysis of the biblical faith. UK list price: £22 - US $40
Peter Jánosi, Claus Jurman, Uta Siffert and Lubica Hudáková (editors) Art-facts and Artefacts (Middle Kingdom Studies 8) ISBN 978-1906137601 A4, about 102 pages, 16 colour plates UK list price: £45 Papers of a conference in Vienna, 2017. Contents: Finds from the Tomb of Sarenput II (QH31) in 2015: An Unusual Limestone Head Burial Customs of the Elite of Elephantine in the Second Half of the Twelfth Dynasty Broad Collars in Late Middle Kingdom Burials Gefäße – Darstellungen in Wanddekoration und archäologischer Befund. Ein Fallbeispiel aus Assiut Populating Middle Kingdom Fauna: Inclusion and Exclusion of Zoological Iconographic Motifs in its Material Culture Individual and Zeitgeist: Textual and Iconographic Selections in the Chapel of Harhotep (CG 28023)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A River Runs Through It Studies in Honour of Professor Fekri A. Hassan Volume One Edited by GHP Egyptology 30 324 pages, with many images, including colour UK: £60 - US: $90 ISBN 978-1-906137-37-3 Contents Zahi Hawass: The Excavation at Wadi El-Qaren, Abu Rowash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kenneth Griffin All the Rxyt-people Adore: The Role of the Rekhyt-people in Egyptian Religion GHP Egyptology 29 ISBN 978-1906137625 368 pages, A4, many b/w figures £75 - $150 Egyptian society is often said to have been divided into social classes, with the pat -people representing the 'elite' >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martin Fitzenreiter Allerhand Kleinigkeiten Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie 20 278 pages, A4; ISBN 978-1-906137-56-4 £40 July 2018
Allerhand Kleinigkeiten offers a collection of sp far unpublished articles. It covers a wide range of topics, from funerary culture to self conception of Egyptolgy. The first part includes papers dealing with funerary and religious topics. In Stiftung und Wohltätigkeit im Alten Ägypten is given a summary of resarch on pious foundations and their relation to charity in Ancient Egypt. The question of why there is a remarkable rupture in funerary habits at the end of the 2 nd millenium BCE is discussed in 1. und 2. Bestattung in der 3. Zwischenzeit . A summary of sources and scientific approaches to pharaonic ancestorship is given in Ancestor Veneration and Ancestor Cult in Pharaonic Egypt . The question of the ontological status of 'god' is approached from a Derrida'ian angle in Wie gibt es „Gott“ im pharaonischen Ägypten ? Oder: Grammatologie und Praxis eines Konzeptes und seiner Epoche (Neues vom Netscher, Teil II) . The following two articles are dealing with history and historiography; first, with an general approach to historiographical research in Egyptology in Geschichtsforschung und Ägyptologie ; second, with an example of ancient Pharaonic-Kushite historiography in Piye's conquest of Egypt (about 727 B.C.E.) and the making of a Great Event (about 727 B.C.E. and beyond) . Questions of written and pictorial art are approached in the following three papers. In Scherz, Satire, Ironie und tiefere Bedeutung. Che(r)ti, Qai-gab und die altägyptische Literatur is proposed a new translation of the “Satire on Trades”. The article includes some remarks on the purpose of literature in Ancient Egypt. Eine kurze Geschichte der pharaonischen Kunst – Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart summarizes a couple of observations on what pharaonic art could be, and how it was transferred into recent artspeopleship. The decoration of the famous chapel of Tji is discussed in A working class hero is something to be... Or: Tji enjoying the pleasures of iconology , setting it in a narrow as well as a wider frame of artistic references. The last papers are dealing with questions about Egyptology. Factors leading to the establishement of a branch of Egyptological research focussed on the Sudan are discussed in Meistererzählung und Milieu. Zur Paradigmenbildung in der Berliner sudanarchäologischen Forschung . In Das Museum als 'Laboratorium der Aneignung'. Thesen zur Konzeption einer (post-)ägyptologischen Forschungsstätte experiances by the author during his time as curator of the collection of pharaonic artefacts at the Uiversity of Bonn are reflected. Finally, Nofretete und die allgemeine Verwirrung. Ein ägyptologisches Feuilleton makes some remarks on zeros in scientific debates in Egyptology. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Erika Endesfelder Die Arbeiter der thebanischen Nekropole im Neuen Reich Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie 21 124 pages, A5; ISBN 9781906137571 July 2018 £20 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elena Tiribilli The bronze figurines of the Petrie Museum from 2000 BC to AD 400 366 pages, paperback; A4, over 500 b/w images £75 - $150 ISBN: 9781906137526 Catalog of bronze figures in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology. The museum houses 510 statuettes or fragments Chapter 1: Gods as men >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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